
Preventive Maintenance: Fisherbrand Elite Single Channel (2uL-1000uL)

The process of disassembly, removing, replacing, and reinstalling parts, as well as, performing preventive maintenance (PM) on the Fisherbrand Elite single channel pipette requires great care. A high attention to detail, patience, and steady hands are required. Please dedicate a good work area with good lighting and space where small parts can be located should they fly out during disassembly. Pipette damage and lost parts may occur if attention to detail is not maintained. Please proceed at your own risk.

Recommended Tools:
  1. Box of Kim Wipes
  2. Thermo Scientific Lubricant (Part#: TS 3300200)
  3. 2-3 Foam Swabs (applying new lubricant)
  4. Pair of latex gloves
  5. PM/Calibration Tool (Part#: TS 1062800)
  6. Fisherbrand Elite Replacement Parts
recommended tools
PM/Calibration Tool (Part#: TS 1062800)
Disassembly Process for PM and Part Replacement
Step 1:

Press and hold down the tip ejector button, in order to lower the white colored tip ejector sleeve. Figure 1.0.

Remove Fisherbrand Elite tip ejector button
Step 2:

Twist and turn the tip ejector sleeve to disengage it from the pipette body. Notice the square notch will become visible when properly disengaged from the pipette body, tip ejector mechanism. Figure 1.1.

Notch on tip ejector
Step 3:

Once tip ejector sleeve is disengaged, slide it down and off of the pipette shaft, as shown in Figure 1.2 and 1.3.

Removing the ejector
Step 4:

With the tip ejector sleeve removed, insert the PM portion of the calibration tool over the shaft until it aligns with the slit marks on the upper portion of the shaft. Figure 1.4.

 Using the Fisherbrand Elite PM tool
Step 5:

Rotate the PM/Calibration tool counter clockwise to fully disengage the shaft from the pipette body. Figure 1.5.

CAUTION: The contents inside of the shaft are under spring pressure. Use caution to avoid small parts and springs from popping out of the pipette/shaft, forcefully.

Disassembled Fisherbrand Elite lower part
Step 6:

With the shaft fully removed from the pipette body, gently slide out and remove the black colored internal piston assembly. Figure 1.6.

When removing, ensure the following internal piston components are accounted for:

  • Large piston spring
  • Smaller o-ring spring
  • Plastic spring support
  • Piston o-ring
Disassembled Fisherbrand Elite shaft
Step 7:

Remove all of the internal piston assembly components (Figure 1.7) for inspection, cleaning, and replacement as necessary. See Fisherbrand Elite Replacement Parts for these parts:

  • Large piston spring
  • Smaller o-ring spring
  • Plastic spring support
  • Piston o-ring
  • Lubricant
  • PM/Calibration tool
Disassembled piston assembly
Step 8:

Inspect, clean, and replace the parts as necessary. Fisherbrand Elite Replacement Parts

Possibly parts for replacment
Step 9:

Clean and remove the old lubricant from the piston with a clean kim wipe. Repeat as necessary and dab the kim wipe with IPA if needed to remove lubricant.

Step 10:

Use a foam swab and apply a light but visible coating of lubricant onto the piston assembly. See figures 2.0 and 2.1 USE THE CORRECT LUBRICANT (Part#: TS 3300200).

Adding lubricant to Fisherbrand Elite piston assembly
lubricant application tips
Reassembly Process After PM and Part(s) Replacement
Step 11:

Install inspected, cleaned, and/or new part(s) back onto the piston, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Reassembled Fisherbrand Elite piston assembly
Step 12:

Insert the piston assembly back into the shaft assembly. Figure 2.3 and 2.4.

Reassembling the lower part
Step 13:

With the piston assembly back inside the shaft, use the PM portion of the calibration tool to screw the shaft dully onto the pipette body. Figures 2.5 and 2.6. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.

Reassembling the Fisherbrand Elite lower part
Step 14:

Press the tip ejector button down and attach the tip ejector sleeve to the tip ejector mechanism. Rotate so the notch aligns and secures to the tip ejector mechanism. Figure 2.7.

Aligning the notch
Step 15:

Figure 2.8 shows notch has been rotated and now secured to the tip ejector mechanism.

Secured Fisherbrand Elite tip ejector
Step 16:

Once pipette is fully assembled, allow the pipette to equilibrate for at least 60 minutes. After 60-minute equilibration period, verify the accuracy and precision on a 4-5 place gravimetric place balance.

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